Day 1 - London Fashion Week SS17 Paul Costelloe
Posted on 16 September 2016
September 16, 2016
Intricate High Ponytail – Paul Costelloe
Cos Sakkas incorporates intricate braiding into a high pony tail at Paul Costelloe SS17
The Hair
“Braiding continues to be a huge trend and combined with the high ponytail and matte texture, we created a strong warrior look to continue the progression from last seasons’ catwalk”
Cos Sakkas, label.m International Artistic Director
The Collection
Bold and monochromatic colours with sharp silhouettes came together to create a warrior inspired collection at Paul Costelloe SS17. Collaborating high and securely fastened ponytails, and on-trend intricate braiding, the Paul Costelloe catwalk saw the fusion of the two looks to amplify the fierce collection.
Get the Look
Step 1: Work a loose section on high curvature of head, with the end of a label.m Session Brush
Step 2: Curve lower section into a point at the nape of the neck and work this section into a ponytail using label.m Hairspray
Step 3: Stitch elastic tightly around the ponytail and wind it underneath itself to clamp the ponytail tighter to the scalp. This is the anchor for the rest of the shape to attach to. This elastic will be used to the tie the rest of the pieces together
Step 4: On either side of the head, separate sections of hair into ponytail-braids. Take the leftover hair and using the elastic, tie into the central ponytail
Step 5: To the top section, add label.m Texturising Volume Spray at a distance and backcomb from front to back. Really loosely, with a label.m Session Brush, pull the hair back into the original ponytail
Step 6: Rope-braid the ponytail and secure flat to the head using a needle and stitching the elastic
Step 7: Add grips to make sure the braid is secure to the head, finish off with label.m Texturising Volume Spray and label.m Sea Salt Spray to add a wetter texture
The Products
label.m Sea Salt Spray
label.m Texturising Volume Spray
label.m Hairspray
The Kit
label.m Session Brush
Hairstyling by label.m Session Team using label.m Professional Haircare. Available at label.m Concept and essensuals salons globally, as well as online at
Follow all the latest backstage news for LFW at labelmusa.